By Nico Beland
Movie Review: *** out of 4

Brad Jones (Paranoia, Jesus, Bro!) returns as his beloved internet reviewer persona, The Cinema Snob in Another Cinema Snob Movie, based on the popular web-series of the same name in which he reviews various films such as porno spoofs, cult classics, Christian films, and downright bizarre projects like Baby Huey’s Great Easter Adventure, The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure, and the *awful Brad Jones voice impression* greatest thing to come out of cinema Dancin’ It’s On. I’ll be honest, I started to officially become a frequent viewer of the Cinema Snob fairly recently and while I’ve seen a handful of his videos in the past I didn’t watch him as much as other internet reviewers like the Nostalgia Critic, Angry Video Game Nerd, JonTron, or Atop the Fourth Wall, in fact I got to know who he is through various crossovers with other reviewers.
But after watching reviews of porno spoofs such as Spanker-Man, The Smuffs, and the unforgettable SpongeKnob SquareNuts (Which I should mention are all XXX parodies…just throwing that out there) I found myself laughing hysterically and started binging several of his videos, so yeah I admire Jones’ work. Anyway, Another Cinema Snob Movie if you can tell by the title is a follow-up to the 2012 film The Cinema Snob Movie which showed the fictional origins of the character and how he infiltrated a dangerous cult of movie snobs in a murder-mystery homage.
Given that it’s a movie made for the internet, I won’t critique the camera work, production design, and effects because it’s a low-budget film and I feel the cheesy blood and gore effects are intentional and add to the film’s comedy. I actually just watched the first Cinema Snob movie for the first time just before watching this one and it’s a mostly enjoyable satire on the murder-mystery genre, despite the film being slow-paced at times and some of the humor is hit-or-miss, I found myself mostly laughing and I didn’t know where the mystery was going so it was an interesting watch to say the least. Now we have the sequel with Jones reprising his role as Craig Golightly/The Cinema Snob and Ryan Mitchelle returning to direct. Similar to Jones’ other movie, Jesus, Bro!, the film was crowdfunded by Indiegogo and fans’ donations made up its budget.
I got to say, Brad Jones definitely upped the chaos in this follow-up resulting in an uproarious and wildly entertaining movie. Reminds me a lot of what James Rolfe did for Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie back in 2014 where it’s a giant spoof/homage to road trip comedies, horror movies, and even a couple video game references thrown in for good measure if you can believe it.
After the premiere of The Cinema Snob Movie (Which is now apparently set in outer space) turns into a huge disaster and flops, Craig Golightly and the film’s controversial director (For…reasons) Neil Hall (Rob Walker-Nostalgia Critic) embark on a quest to save their careers by traveling to California and finding Craig’s long-lost father who just happens to be a former TV executive. Accompanying Craig and Neil on their road trip are upbeat music vlogger Shelley Songs (Tamara Chambers-Nostalgia Critic, Tamara’s Never Seen/Tamara Just Saw) and Twitch gamer Brycycle (Korey Goodwin-Double Toasted) both are aspiring to become successful internet celebrities in the same vein as the Cinema Snob.
So, our heroes begin their adventure to find Craig’s father and along the way they have encounters with crazy fans at Comic Con, cannibalistic Trump supporters, a random driver they meet at a gas station with a bizarre determination to beat them to California in a race they didn’t even agree to, and a really odd guy running a stand selling Goat Balls named Ballsy Joe (Doug Walker-Nostalgia Critic, Sonic Fan Film) who happens to also own a clown museum, and of course, zombie clowns that want to eat them. Just the typical things an internet reviewer has to deal with.
The film also features appearances from Malcolm Ray (Nostalgia Critic) as an Uber driver, president of Troma Entertainment Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger, Cannibal: The Musical, Angry Video Game Nerd), Jim Jarosz (Nostalgia Critic), Walter Banasiak (Nostalgia Critic, Awesome Comics, Top 5), and Fard Muhammad (Nostalgia Critic, Shut Up and Talk, Jesus, Bro!).
Overall, Another Cinema Snob Movie delivers what it advertises, a wacky road trip movie with internet reviewers getting into all kinds of shenanigans similar to Channel Awesome/That Guys with the Glasses’ anniversary specials and the Angry Video Game Nerd movie and is definitely a huge step up from the first movie. As previously mentioned, I thought the first film was entertaining and got some good laughs out of it, this one was absolutely hilarious and features plenty of internet reviewer fan-service such as various people from Channel Awesome and some cute little name-drops of Jeremy Jahns and Honest Trailers for good measure.
The story is your basic road trip comedy movie but unlike the first film where it was trying to be a little classy and relaxed with its murder-mystery tone. This one feels like while Brad Jones was coming up with the idea for this movie he probably thought “You know what? I just want to go absolutely nuts with this movie and make something crazy and funny” and that’s exactly what he does here.
You got cannibalistic Trump supporters, clown zombies, and Santa Christ getting drunk off his ass to name a few, definitely a completely different tone from the first movie but it doesn’t make it any less funny. Granted, it probably won’t sit well with a casual movie-watcher, as hilarious as Another Cinema Snob Movie is it might be too weird and odd for someone who isn’t already a fan of either the Cinema Snob or internet reviewers.
Like the Nerd movie, Another Cinema Snob Movie is a giant tribute to internet reviewing and filmmaking funded by the fans and made for the fans. Sure, it doesn’t quite have as strong a story as the Angry Video Game Nerd movie but as a low-budget web comedy, the Cinema Snob delivers the laughs and fun…again.
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