Nico Beland
My Name is Nico Beland, I'm an independent film critic and blogger, heavily inspired by other well-known reviewers such as Gene Siskel, Roger Ebert, the Nostalgia Critic, and Angry Video Game Nerd. My blog, Moviewatchin' Psychopath was created in February 2013 as suggested by a friend of my family. I have a huge passion in movies and film analysis.
I'm a sucker for comic book movies especially the Marvel Cinematic Universe films and popular franchises like Star Wars and Jurassic Park and animated movies like How to Train Your Dragon and Inside Out, but I'll also take time to surprise my readers with reviews of other lesser known or independent films, and a chick flick every once in a while.
Usually I try to keep an open-mind on everything I watch and I tend to be a little more forgiving towards a lot of movies if they underwhelm me. A movie has to try really hard for me to give it a thoroughly negative review (Fantastic Four 2015!). But I don't regret seeing any movies, if I dislike a movie, I'll review it here and that's the end of it.
Besides movie reviewing, I also do occasional TV show reviews and recaps of pop culture conventions. Every year I go to Seattle's Emerald City ComiCon and at the end of the weekend I will post a photo recap of everything I saw at the convention. I recently expanded my convention recaps by also going to Seattle's Sakura Con anime convention and Portland's Rose City Comic Con to get my geek on even further.
Blog: www.moviewatchinpsychopath.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoviewatchinPsychopath/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MWPsychopath
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mwpsychopath